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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Get the Baby a POD

There's lots and lots of things no one ever tells you about having a baby. Many simply can't be explained until the baby is here. But bathing isn't one of them.

Few things are a bigger challenge for a sleep-deprived, hormone-addled new mom than bathing that baby. That silly tiny tub. The infant's prone position. Your back breaking crouched position. The possibility of drowning or at least dunking the kid accidentally. The soapy squirming. It's just impossible. This gadget, however, looks like a good solution. It's a baby bathing bucket called a WashPOD. Fill with water and stick the baby in upright (NOT head-first, please. Are you really that tired?). Holding the baby upright with one hand, wash with the other. You don't need to worry about scrubbing, since an infant isn't usually covered with dirt. And it's far easily to gently wash little faces and ears when they're not at risk of submersion.

The bucket has a limited lifespan of only six months or so. But it'll save a lot of hassle and worry, not to mention back pain. Find it at

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