Gifted Gift Giving for the Younger Set

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Developmental Dilemmas Solved By the Book

Childhood is often hard on everyone. The kid is constantly grappling with the new, the challenging, the potentially terrifying. And the parents are dealing with constant change and conflict.

Here's a handy tool to help guide your child through difficult moments. They're books, but not books for you. Instead, the Change is Strange book series gives your kid a personalized guide through major milestones, such as giving up the pacifier, dealing with the parents going away for much needed r&r, or adjusting to the reality of a new sibling on the way. The web site makes the process simple: just choose the book you'd like, fill out the online form, and a book which directly reflects your kid's life arrives in the mail. For instance, the pacifier volume boasts your child's name, nickname for their "binky," and plenty of other pertinent info. And given a child's deep self-involvement, they're far more likely to respond to this personalized plea for stoppage than from some ordinary picture book written for the immature masses.

Check out all the titles on Because sometimes, it's best to solve problems by the book.

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