Gifted Gift Giving for the Younger Set

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


No, I don't mean the strawberry kind. I'm talking about a traffic jam, something I'm sure every person in America knows something about. But this is a game, and what an absorbing game it is, too.

I have a version of this traffic game (called "Parking Lot") on my iPhone, and my girl loves to play it (she's gotten pretty good, too). The premise of this in the box game, Rush Hour, is that a particular car is caught in traffic and the cop must help to extricate it from the jam. There are traffic laws and laws of physics to obey, of course. And the board's set ups are generated from cards you select. The great thing? It's a solo game that'll keep your kid occupied while you work, make dinner, or have a phone conversation. Plus, the kid is really using that gray matter. It's excellent.

Help your kid get lost in traffic by ordering Rush Hour at It's the only traffic jam you'll actually welcome.

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