Kids are so noisy. Really, really noisy. In fact, if it's a contest between one of those requisite NYC jackhammers pounding away on a busy corner or a houseful of kids, I might have to opt for the jackhammer as less painful to the ear. My point? Kids are noisy enough by themselves; they need no noisemaking toys of any kind.
Noisemaking toys include musical ones, at least until the kid can take lessons and see music as a serious pursuit. But I'm a not a big enough meanie to disturb their pretend play. That's why this rockin' guitar, made of fabric and stuffing, is so ideal. It comes complete with a handy strap for hanging and strumming. It's covered with skulls and crossbones, giving it a folksy edginess, like a guitar quilted by Heavy Metal Grandma. And, best of all, when the kid wants to really stay in character and wreck his or her "hotel room," this oversized pillow can't do much damage. So let the little wailers channel Pete Townsend anytime they'd like.
Seriously, this is so superior to the plastic noisemakers! Find it at www.huset-shop.com.